Thursday, March 24, 2016

Burying the horrors of Chernobyl: Nhà mồ vòm thép chôn vùi khu vực nhiểm phóng xạ khủng khiếp của lò phản ứng hạt nhân nhà máy điện nguyên từ Chernobyl bị nổ tan chảy!

Burying the horrors of Chernobyl: Extraordinary images of giant steel arch which will shut off radioactive site as countryside remains desolate 27 years on

This is the huge steel arch that will entomb Chernobyl's reactor four, and slash the risk of another radioactive disaster.
Đây là mái vòm bằng thép sẽ sao trùm khu lò phản ứng số 4 bị nổ của nhà máy điện hạt nhân Chernobyl, và chặn đứng (hy vọng) mối nguy của một thảm họa nguyên tử khác.
The construction, which is one of the biggest engineering projects in history, is being built to seal off nuclear fuel buried inside reactor four which blew up in 1986.
Công trình xây dựng này, là một trong những dự án kỹ thuật lớn nhất lịch sử, đang được xây dựng nhằm khóa kín những thanh nhiên liệu hạt nhân bị chôn vùi trong lò phản ứng hạt nhân số 4 mà đã bị nổ tung vào năm 1986.
Standing 360 feet tall, and 843 feet wide, the arch will be held together by 680,000 bolts.
Cao 360 feet(120mét), rộng 843 feet(280m), mái vòm được gắn liền với 68000 óc vít
The arches are being constructed a safe distance away from the reactor site, and will be moved into place when they are completed
Những vòm cong đang được xây dựng tại khu vực an toàn cách xa khu vực lò bị thiệt hại, và sẽ được di huyển đặt vào vị trí sau khi hoàn tất.
Costing £1.5billion to build the feat of engineering is a small price to pay to prevent another disaster like the one which blighted generations in the Ukrainian region.
Tuy tốn khoản 1,5 tỷ bản Anh để xây dựng công trình kiến trúc có môt không hai này nhưng so ra chỉ là chí phí nhỏ nhằm ngăn chặn môt thảm họa hạt nhân khác tương tự vụ nổ vừa qua (năm 1986) mà nó gây khổ nạn cho nhiều thế hệ người dân sống trong vùng Ukraine.

Radiation from the blast also spread across the former USSR and Europe prompting fears at the the time about the safety of nuclear power stations.
Phóng xạ gây ra tử vụ nổ cũng lan rộng cả nước Cộng hòa Liên Bang Sô Viết củ và cả khu vực Châu Âu đưa đến mối lo sợ vào thời điểm đó về tình trạng an toàn của các nhà may điện hạt nhân.
Don Kelly, an American nuclear industry veteran, is overseeing the project
Ông Don Kelly, một nhân vật kỳ cựu về kỹ nghệ nguyên tử, đang trông nom công tác thực hiện dự án này.
He told the BBC: 'Nothing like this has ever been attempted before.
Ông cho BBC biết:"từ trước đền nay chư có một dự án nào đước thực hiện như dự án này"
'For anyone in the nuclear business, this is the place you want to be: the biggest, most exciting project in the world right now.'
" Cho những người có liên hệ đến kinh doanh về hạt nhân, đây chính là nơi mà các bạn muốn làm: đây là một dự án lớn nhất, một dự án đầy thú vị và đầy thử thách ngay thời điểm này"
Specialists from 24 countries are working on the massive project which reached its halfway point in the autumn.
Nhiều chuyên viên đến từ 24 quốc gia đang làm việc với dự án khổng lồ mà nó sẽ đạt mức 50% tiến độ và mùa thu này.
Ukrainian veterans of the disaster are also advising on the works, which should be completed by 2015.
Những chuyên viên Ukraine đã từng tham gia ngăn chặn thảm họa tại lò phản ứng hạt nhân hiện đang cố vấn cho các công việc của dự án này, hyvọng sẽ hoàn thành vào năm 2015.
The reactor at the site was badly damaged in the original explosion and fire, and is too radioactive for the arch to be assembled directly above it.
Lò phản ứng hạt nhân tại khu nhà máy bị thiệt hại nghiêm trọng trong lần nổ và cháy trước đây, và bị nhiểm phóng xạ quá mức để mái vòm được lấp ráp ngay tại chổ trên khu lò bị thiệt hại.
So the construction is being put together at a safer distance in two parts, and when both are ready they will slide along tracks to be clamped together in the correct position.
Vì vậy mái vòm được xây dựng và lắp đặt thành hai phần tại một địa điểm xa an toàn, và khi ni phần của mái vòm được hoàn thành, chúng sẽ được đưa đến đúng địa điểm và được gắng liền nhau.
The project is being paid for by 40 countries, and all staff working at the site have an annual allowance of how much radiation they can be exposed to.
Chí phí cho dự án được 40 quốc gia chung trả, và tất cả công nhân viên làm viêc tại khu vực đưuọc chỉ định mức độ phóng xạ tối đa họ có thể bị nhiểm cho một năm.
For some working around the chimney at the site, an entire year's allowance could be used up in just a few hours.
Đối với những nhân viên làm việc tại khu vực ống khói củ lò phản ứng hạt nhân, với số lượng phóng xạ cho phép trong một năm họ chỉ cần  vài giờ là đã vượt qua.
When finished the arch will be big enough to house the Statue Of Liberty, and wide enough to encase a football pitch.
Khi nhà vòm này được hoàn tất, nó sẽ cao  đến mức độ chứa được Tượng Nữ Thần Tự Do, rộng đến mức bao trùm cả sân đá banh.

The Chernobyl arch is one of the biggest engineering projects in history
The Chernobyl arch is one of the biggest engineering projects in history
Mái vòm Chernobyl là một trong những dự án kỹ thuật lớn nhất trong lịch sử

A workman directs a crane at the Chernobyl site

A workman directs a crane at the Chernobyl site

Một công nhân hướng dẩn máy cần cẩu tại khu vực Chernobyl

People working have an annual allowance of radiation that they are allowed to be exposed to. When this allowance runs out they must stop work
People working have an annual allowance of radiation that they are allowed to be exposed to. When this allowance runs out they must stop work
Công nhân viên làm việc được qui địngh mức độ nhiểm phóng xạ cho một năm. Khi đạt mức phóng xạ cho phép, họ phải ngưng làm viêc tại đây.

The huge arch will seal off the reactor at the plant, which blew up in 1986 releasing deadly radiation across Europe

The huge arch will seal off the reactor at the plant, which blew up in 1986 releasing deadly radiation across Europe

The arches are being constructed a safe distance away from the reactor site, and will be moved into place when they are completed

The arches are being constructed a safe distance away from the reactor site, and will be moved into place when they are completed

Costing £1.5billion to build the feat of engineering is a small price to pay to prevent another disaster like the one which blighted generations in the Ukrainian region.

Radiation from the blast also spread across the former USSR and Europe prompting fears at the the time about the safety of nuclear power stations.
Don Kelly, an American nuclear industry veteran, is overseeing the project.

Workers and experts from 24 countries are working on the prestigious project
Workers and experts from 24 countries are working on the prestigious project

The reactor at the site was badly damaged in the original explosion and fire, and is too radioactive for the arch to be assembled directly above it
The reactor at the site was badly damaged in the original explosion and fire, and is too radioactive for the arch to be assembled directly above it

Workers at the Chernobyl site test themselves for radiation
Workers at the Chernobyl site test themselves for radiation

An abandoned auditorium at the Chernobyl site
An abandoned auditorium at the Chernobyl site

The 1986 disaster forced people to flee from their homes. And 27 years on they have not been able to return
The 1986 disaster forced people to flee from their homes. And 27 years on they have not been able to return

A worker gives directions to others working on one half of the giant arch
A worker gives directions to others working on one half of the giant arch

He told the BBC: 'Nothing like this has ever been attempted before.
'For anyone in the nuclear business, this is the place you want to be: the biggest, most exciting project in the world right now.'
Specialists from 24 countries are working on the massive project which reached its halfway point in the autumn.
Ukrainian veterans of the disaster are also advising on the works, which should be completed by 2015.

The arches are being built a few hundred metres away from the actual reactor site
The arches are being built a few hundred metres away from the actual reactor site

Workers at the Chernobyl chimneys can use up their radiation allowance for the entire year in just a few hours
Workers at the Chernobyl chimneys can use up their radiation allowance for the entire year in just a few hours

A set of tracks will be built to delicately slide the two halves of the structure into place
A set of tracks will be built to delicately slide the two halves of the structure into place

Workers on cherry-pickers asses the huge structure
Workers on cherry-pickers asses the huge structure

680,000 heavy bolts will be screwed in place to hold the structure together
Massive job: 680,000 heavy bolts will be screwed in place to hold the structure together

One of the huge screws which will hold the two halves of the arch together
One of the huge screws which will hold the two halves of the arch together

The reactor at the site was badly damaged in the original explosion and fire, and is too radioactive for the arch to be assembled directly above it.
So the construction is being put together at a safer distance in two parts, and when both are ready they will slide along tracks to be clamped together in the correct position.
The project is being paid for by 40 countries, and all staff working at the site have an annual allowance of how much radiation they can be exposed to.
For some working around the chimney at the site, an entire year's allowance could be used up in just a few hours.
When finished the arch will be big enough to house the Statue Of Liberty, and wide enough to encase a football pitch.

Workers must wear protective clothing as the site is still highly radioactive
Workers must wear protective clothing as the site is still highly radioactive

The structure looms large over Chernobyl, which was abandoned after the 1986 disaster
The structure looms large over Chernobyl, which was abandoned after the 1986 disaster

An abandoned block of flats in Chernobyl, which is too radioactive for human habitation
An abandoned block of flats in Chernobyl, which is too radioactive for human habitation

Ghost town: Abandoned buildings in Chernobyl set an eerie scene
Ghost town: Abandoned buildings in Chernobyl set an eerie scene

A sign warns travellers about the dangerous radiation in Chernobyl
A sign warns travellers about the dangerous radiation in Chernobyl

A worker at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant takes a reading of radioactivity inside the 'tomb' encasing the ruined unit 4 reactor which exploded and caught fire causing a nuclear meltdown on April 26 1986
A worker at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant takes a reading of radioactivity inside the 'tomb' encasing the ruined unit 4 reactor which exploded and caught fire causing a nuclear meltdown on April 26 1986

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